
“Digital Marketing isn’t for me!” “I don’t like Digital Marketing!” If you’ve heard someone say this, or if you’ve even said this yourself, well then, you’re in for a ride! Digital Marketing is for you, and whether you “like” it or not, you’ve already had your fair share of buying something because of it. Digital Marketing is important and it’s a big part of our lives, and it will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. Here’s why: 


With a lot of consumers online, especially Filipinos (in fact, Filipinos are one of the biggest users of the internet), it’s important that the business is also online. With a competitive market, the business needs to find its customers. Plus, where else can a business effectively locate its consumers if not online? But wait, it’s not just any consumer, it’s the target consumer. That’s right! With digital marketing, businesses have an opportunity to directly reach out to their desired consumers. 


Being online allows a business to spend less on promoting their brand. It costs less to post on social media than it does to, say, rent billboard space. With digital marketing, businesses will surely get a “bang for their buck!” 


Digital marketing allows for businesses to create a connection with their consumers. Not only can they directly promote to their customers, but they can also engage and hear from their customers much faster. 

And finally…


There is a rising number of businesses everywhere but with digital marketing, businesses have control over their content. Digital marketing lets businesses figure out what’s working for them and what’s not. With real-time data, businesses are able to be agile and make more strategic decisions, thus finding ways to stand out against their competitors.

So, consumers, cost-efficiency, connection, and content– these are the 4C’s that make digital marketing important. Of course, the list doesn’t end there! There’s many more reasons why digital marketing is significant, especially in this day and age. But these four factors are at the heart of digital marketing’s existence and knowing these will lead us to a greater understanding and appreciation for it.

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