Digital Marketing has allowed more touch points in the consumer journey, hence manifesting changes in consumer habits. To attest this, we asked four students from the UP College of Business Administration how Digital Marketing has influenced their consumer habits – from browsing to purchasing to advocating.
Here’s what they had to say:
“Digital marketing exposed me to more small businesses on Instagram and Facebook. “
“Through targeted ads on my feed, I am more exposed to trending products, giving me more ideas about what to buy as gifts for my friends. Overall, digital marketing expanded my awareness of trending products from smaller sellers, increasing the variety of options I can choose from when buying for myself or for my friends.”
– Janina Ligon, Freshman
“I feel like my shopping experience is personalized.”
“Before, I had to spend hours looking for what I want. But now, because of the logarithms employed in digital marketing, I feel like my shopping experience is personalized. I see what I want right away. Sometimes, I don’t even have to search for them anymore. Digital marketing also has a great follow-up, which makes a great lasting impression in my mind.”
-Alaine Gosyco, Sophomore
“Digital Marketing has allowed me to open up to online purchases.”
“As a self-proclaimed spendthrift and someone who relies on physical examination of products, Digital Marketing has allowed me to open up to online purchases. By always seeing a slew of targeted advertisements attuned to my interests, I am able to gain more information on the available products and good deals in the market which I am interested in availing. Couple this with the increased time I spend online during the pandemic, and you have a more avid, trusting patron of the digital marketplace.”
-Aeron Sanidad, Junior
Increased Spending
“There was a time that I was buying clothes and shoes almost every month because of ads on my social media feed and push notifications on my phone. Emailed discount vouchers and flash sale posters are a trap!”
-Koi Calleja, Senior
Thanks for reading!
Feel free to share your Digital Marketing stories in the comments below!