
Sustainability in Engagements: What Did Angkas Do?5 min read

You’ve probably heard of Angkas, right? Angkas is a motorcycle ride-hailing service provider and package delivery courier. The brand does not only provide these services; it also offers sustainability in engagements with its audience through memes and playful content!

But before we continue, have you had the chance to read our previous article regarding engaging your audience? If not, go check it out to learn seven tips to create engaging content for your audience!

1. Utilized Meme Marketing

Memes… Memes everywhere!

Memes, as coined by Richard Dawkins in 1976, include an “idea, behavior, or style” so infectious that it spreads really fast from person to person within a culture. (Source: USA Today)

As countless meme formats get created every day, Angkas has been taking advantage of these trending memes that are found online. Doing so made it possible for the brand to tickle the humor of people across social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. So what exactly is meme marketing and is it worth a try?

Aside from being very easy to create, memes engage your followers because they’re funny and entertaining. Add to it the shareability with the help of social media platforms and you are on your way to virality!

Sustainability through meme marketing
Sustainability through meme marketing

2. Created Relatable Content

Aside from creating memes, Angkas has been posting content that are true and relatable. They have done this by using the language that is spoken by their target market online. Instead of using a formal tone, they opted to post with informal language and added some bits of sass here and there for fun and sustainable engagement. By doing so, Angkas creates the image in the mind of its consumers that behind the brand are real relatable people and not just some robots coming up with marketing content for profits. 

Note: Be candid and playful. It is important to make your consumers feel that you are reachable and comfortable to engage with!

Angkas ensures that audience can relate to their posts
Aim for engagement sustainability through relatable content
Angkas ensures that audience can relate to their posts

3. Engaged with Other Brands

Who says you have to have a partnership with another brand to engage with them? Ride the waves and take advantage of social media!

It’s not even a secret that different brands from numerous industries have made sure to utilize the power of social media by engaging with one another. This interaction garners more attention from the audience than usual for it includes users from both brands whether it’s rivalry or a collaboration — making for sustainability in engagements for the brands involved. Angkas decided to take advantage of this aspect by engaging and collaborating with certain well-known brands in the country such as Mcdonald’s, Netflix, Shopee, and St. Peter Memorial.

Aim for engagement sustainability through brand engagement
Aim for engagement sustainability through brand engagement
Angkas establishes its presence by engaging with other brands
Angkas establishes its presence by engaging with other brands

4. Get with The Times

Angkas ensures that they maintain engagement sustainability by keeping up with current events (through the use of informative posts), without veering away from their brand persona. It is not a secret that being instantaneous is a must in social media, this showcases how Angkas continuously achieves that.

One example is the viral video of a student who was caught playing Call of Duty by his professor during an online class. Angkas makes references to it in its free promo code, “Get that 30, get that 30BRO.” Sounds cool?

Angkas makes sure that they keep up with current events
Aim for engagement sustainability by keeping up with current events

5. Remained Consistent with Their Established Brand Persona

But most importantly, they stayed true to their brand. Angkas has successfully expertized on witty millennial speak that is quite common or familiar with Millennials and Generation Z (exactly its target market!). The use of this commonality allows them to stay relevant and relatable to a majority of people, making their posts engaging and effective.

Having this authentic personality all throughout establishes trust among the target market and helps maintain their loyalty to the brand. Their followers are so immersed and interested in the funny content as seen on their sustainable engagements on their social media accounts.

Aim for engagement sustainability by staying true to your brand persona
Aim for engagement sustainability by staying true to your brand persona

Want more? Scroll through the Facebook and Twitter Pages of Angkas!

That’s it for Angkas! Now, what can YOU do?

1. Decide on a relevant and unique brand persona

Don’t be afraid to step out of the “professional” zone. Craft something refreshing and be as relatable to your target audience. Being relatable does not mean that everybody should find you relevant or funny. Catching your target market’s attention and making them remember your brand should be your top priority.  

The interests of consumers are most likely to overlap, but there is always a defining characteristic among generations that will allow you to focus on what they like.

2. Echo your identity in your posts

Channel your brand’s persona and always align your tone accordingly. 

This will guide you in attracting and establishing familiarity with your target audience. Showcasing consistency and sustainability among your content raises user awareness with regard to your branding. Achieving this familiarity will also lead to brand loyalty from your audience which in turn leads to higher user engagement!

3. Stay on top of current events and reference

Engage in pop culture and local happenings and use them to make your posts more relevant to your audience. Look out for viral trends across social media platforms! Don’t be afraid to take part in the conversation. Remember, it is not a secret that being instantaneous in social media is a must, be certain to make use of that.

Key take-away for today: Keep your followers interested on your social media pages by having a unique brand persona and focusing on sustainability in engagement. You don’t always have to be the professional type, and there’s nothing wrong with personalizing your posts. Know your audience and stay true to your branding… just like what Angkas did!

The Digital Native

1 thought on “Sustainability in Engagements: What Did Angkas Do?<span class="wtr-time-wrap after-title"><span class="wtr-time-number">5</span> min read</span>”

  1. Pingback: Digital Marketing: How Memes Are Useful - The Digital Native Project

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