Be sure to check out | 5 Unique and Sound Tech Start-Up Business Ideas – The Digital Native Project | to get a broader range of theoretical business models!
Many students and independent learners rely on tutors and educators often outside school institutions in order to advance in a branch of knowledge, compensate for any shortcomings or to get a broader perspective of a particular subject. However, not many education centers and networks aptly connect their students to the teachers they need. The project “Bridges” aims to help learners find exactly the tutors they require. It takes into account its users’ preferred academic areas to teach or pursue and links them with potential pupils or mentors. It also allows its users to define the dates and times when they’re likely to be available, giving them ultimate flexibility and autonomy over how they would like to manage their time.
Luxshowré is a digital auction-house for luxury goods which resolves many drawbacks that online bidding platforms are sometimes plagued with. Consumers can’t always ascertain for themselves whether the products they’re bidding for are worth the expenses since many of them are featured only by images and inadequate descriptions. This prospective concept of a digital bidding platform can serve to ensure a more expedient interaction between bidders and sellers, providing sellers the option to broadcast their products in a livestream and for bidders to actively engage in Q & As. That way, buyers can be more certain of the featured items’ authenticity and sellers would have a way to dispel any doubts surrounding their goods.
SaBuy SaBuy
SaBuy SaBuy is one of the Philippines’ first and few prospective group-buying platforms which serve to provide its customers with discounted prices from groups of products sold by legitimate retailers and wholesalers inside and outside the Philippines. The platform would offer a comprehensive list of item-groups for sale, segmented into different categories based on provenance, theme, seasonal value and many other sorting methods preferential to its user. This would surely offer a lucrative and convenient solution to those who want to either collect brand items or purchase goods in bulk.
Pamo is a sustainable and pro-ecological platform that incentivizes consumers for recycling and returning plastic products by rewarding them with a point system they could then use to purchase products or deduct costs in purchases. Pamo doesn’t only just track these returns – through partnered shipping and distributing companies – but also informs its app users of the many different types of plastic, reminds them of the environmental advantages of recycling and the malignant effects that plastic waste can have on the environment.
Shopswift is a mobile platform which provides its users with a safer and more secure brick-and-mortar shopping experience. Amidst the pandemic, at least half the Philippines’ population still make frequent visits to shops and supermarkets in order to physically buy the products they’re after. This application liberates its users from risking long queue lines and prolonged exposure, by simply allowing them to use the app’s scanning feature to scan the products’ bar codes which will later reflect as purchases. This prospective business venture will of course require the cooperation of certain retail and wholesale establishments. Shopswift catalogues the purchases for the user’s convenience and reference. It also records analytical data such as number of customers and inventory movements for partnered grocery stores.
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